Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Some times God gives us a little push in the right direction and sometimes he lets us push ourselves...
which means we have to stretch more than likely to get to where we need to be...
me personally I don't like to do the stretching, it hurts , it makes me uncomfortable, it makes me tired, it "feels" wrong,
oh believe me I can come up with all kinds of reasons why I don't "need" to stretch ,
but oh don't I. When God asks me to put into practice the things He has taught me and I don't... I find myself becoming crabbier (than normal) and complacent .
I tend to get more and more disorgagnized and overall lazy. But when I do stretch myself and do the things that God has instructed and asked me to do..... I "feel" better, I suddenly get orgagnized , my brain clicks...
sounds weird? oh well I am...

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